
Company Current (₹) Prev. Close(₹) CHG (%) Volume (Nos.)
IFB Industries Ltd 1,784.70 1,767.55 0.97 3,782
KBC Global Ltd 2.10 2.08 0.96 1,107,180
Afcons Infrastructure Ltd 520.00 515.25 0.92 106,776
The Investment Trust of India Ltd 205.00 203.25 0.86 4,626
Kenvi Jewels Ltd 4.81 4.77 0.84 315,641
Honasa Consumer Ltd 260.00 257.85 0.83 130,479
Vraj Iron & Steel Ltd 224.30 222.45 0.83 21,166
UTI Nifty Midcap 150 ETF 218.53 216.78 0.81 228
Steel Strips Wheels Ltd 201.10 199.50 0.80 27,042
Signpost India Ltd 355.85 353.05 0.79 20,079