Mirae Asset Equity Allocator Fund of Fund-Dir (G)
Summary Info
Fund Name Mirae Asset Mutual Fund
Scheme Name Mirae Asset Equity Allocator Fund of Fund-Dir (G)
AMC Mirae Asset Mutual Fund
Type Open
Category FoFs Domestic
Launch Date 08-Sep-20
Fund Manager Bharti Sawant
Net Assets ( Cr.) 847.92
NAV Graph
  One Month   Three Month   Six Month   One Year   Three Year   Five Year
1 Week[%] 1 Month[%] 3 Month[%] 6 Month[%] 1 Year[%] 3 Year[%] 5 Year[%] Since INC[%]
Scheme Return -2.49 -7.82 -12.76 -15.37 -1.36 13.48 0.00 18.86
Category Avg -0.61 -2.54 -1.61 1.08 13.28 12.60 12.36 9.76
Category Best 2.11 17.48 33.38 84.90 95.20 38.65 26.55 31.12
Category Worst -6.99 -11.22 -24.21 -27.13 -11.99 5.33 5.59 -24.94
Comapany Name Hold %
TREPS 0.15
Net CA & Others -0.21
Mirae Ass.Nif.50 62.65
Mirae ANM 150 22.75
Mirae Next50 ETF 14.67