AXIS Global Equity Alpha Fund of Fund (G)
Summary Info
Fund Name Axis Mutual Fund
Scheme Name AXIS Global Equity Alpha Fund of Fund (G)
AMC Axis Mutual Fund
Type Open
Category FoFs Overseas
Launch Date 04-Sep-20
Fund Manager Krishnaa N
Net Assets ( Cr.) 833.59
NAV Graph
  One Month   Three Month   Six Month   One Year   Three Year   Five Year
1 Week[%] 1 Month[%] 3 Month[%] 6 Month[%] 1 Year[%] 3 Year[%] 5 Year[%] Since INC[%]
Scheme Return -1.18 -1.41 4.64 6.22 22.34 9.67 0.00 14.09
Category Avg 0.22 -1.30 -0.31 4.37 16.44 5.32 8.04 8.41
Category Best 3.49 13.55 25.62 22.90 53.84 20.74 26.98 35.80
Category Worst -4.87 -8.27 -16.59 -12.42 -26.72 -7.47 -10.74 -8.21
Comapany Name Hold %
C C I 2.68
Net CA & Others 0.53
Schroder ISF Global Equity Alpha Class X1 Acc 96.79