Initial public offer of up to (*) equity shares of face value of Rs.
10 each (the "equity shares") of Bajaj Energy Limited (the "company") for cash at a price of Rs.(*) per equity share (including a share premium of
Rs.(*) per equity share) (the "offer price") aggregating up to Rs.5450 Crores (the "offer") comprising a fresh issue of up to (*) equity shares aggregating up to Rs.5150 Crores by the company (the "fresh issue") and an offer for sale of up to (*) equity shares By Bajaj Power Ventures Private Limited aggregating up to Rs.300 Crores (the "promoter selling shareholder" and such offer, the "offer for sale").
The Offer Will constitute (*) % of the post offer Paid-up equity share capital of the company.
The face value of equity shares is Rs.10 each. The offer price is (*) times the face value of the equity shares. The price band and the minimum bid lot
Will be decided by the company. |