Central Bank of India | Industry : (Banks) | |
BSE Code : 532885 |
P/E(TTM) : 14.43 |
ISIN Demat : INE483A01010 |
Div & Yield% : - |
EPS(TTM) : 3.82 |
Book Value(₹) : 33.54 |
Market Cap(₹Cr) : 47,840.66 |
Face Value(₹) : 10.00 |
Particulars | Mar '24 | Mar '23 | Mar '22 | Mar '21 | Mar '20 |
INCOME : | |||||
Interest Earned | 30,722.24 | 25,541.89 | 22,801.65 | 22,730.23 | 23,562.47 |
Other Income | 4,711.28 | 4,083.71 | 2,968.48 | 3,115.67 | 3,636.82 |
Total Income | 35,433.52 | 29,625.60 | 25,770.13 | 25,845.90 | 27,199.29 |
Interest Expended | 17,825.91 | 13,855.10 | 13,314.88 | 14,485.19 | 15,933.62 |
Payments to and Provisions for Employees | 6,312.15 | 5,603.97 | 4,471.91 | 4,141.31 | 4,216.72 |
Operating Expenses & Administrative Expenses | 1,434.59 | 1,321.44 | 1,255.42 | 1,221.37 | 1,172.03 |
Depreciation | 499.64 | 385.86 | 296.61 | 292.32 | 285.28 |
Other Expenses, Provisions & Contingencies | 5,307.84 | 5,813.89 | 4,714.35 | 7,029.34 | 6,501.13 |
Provision for Tax | 1,504.33 | 1,063.14 | 672.13 | -436.03 | 211.86 |
Provision Towards Deferred Tax | - | - | - | - | - |
Total Expenditure | 32,884.46 | 28,043.40 | 24,725.30 | 26,733.49 | 28,320.64 |
PROFIT & LOSS | |||||
Net Profit / Loss for The Year | 2,549.06 | 1,582.20 | 1,044.83 | -887.58 | -1,121.35 |
Extraordinary Items | -14.67 | -1.34 | 9.14 | -21.00 | -22.41 |
Adjusted Net Profit | 2,563.73 | 1,583.54 | 1,035.69 | -866.58 | -1,098.94 |
Profit brought forward | 997.67 | - | - | -17,529.39 | -16,251.01 |
Transfer to Statutory Reserve | 637.26 | 395.55 | 261.21 | - | - |
Transfer to Other Reserves | 218.09 | 188.98 | 783.62 | 307.24 | 157.03 |
Trans. to Government /Proposed Dividend | - | - | - | - | - |
Balance carried forward to Balance Sheet | 2,691.37 | 997.67 | - | -18,724.22 | -17,529.39 |
Equity Dividend(%) | - | - | - | - | - |
Dividend Per Share(Rs) | - | - | - | - | - |
Earnings Per Share-Unit Curr | 2.94 | 1.82 | 1.20 | -1.51 | -1.96 |
Earnings Per Share(Adj)-Unit Curr | 2.94 | 1.82 | 1.20 | -1.51 | -1.96 |
Book Value-Unit Curr | 32.33 | 29.33 | 27.43 | 30.49 | 32.34 |
Book Value(Adj)-Unit Curr | 32.33 | 29.33 | 27.43 | 30.49 | 32.34 |