Registered Office: 229 AJC BoseRd Unit 3A,B,C,D,Crescent Tower 3rd Floor,Kolkata-700020, West Bengal |
Tel. No: 91-33-2280 1277/78 |
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Initial public offering of up to (*) equity shares of face value of Rs.10 each ("equity shares") of Anmol Industries Limited (the "company") for cash at a price of Rs.(*) per equity share aggregating up to Rs.750 Crores(the "offer") through an offer for sale of up to (*) equity shares by Baijnath Choudhary & family trust, represented through its trustees (the "promoter selling shareholder") aggregating up to Rs.720.40 Crores up to (*) equity shares by Skg Land Developers LLP aggregating up to Rs.22.50 Crores up to (*) equity shares by Delta Nirman LLP aggregating up to Rs.4 Crores up to (*) equity shares by anmol hi-cool llp aggregating up to Rs.25.00 Croresand up to (*) equity shares by Puneet Mercantiles LLP aggregating up to Rs.0.60 Crores(collectively, the "non-promoter selling shareholders" and along with the promoter selling shareholder, the "selling shareholders"). The offer would constitute (*) % of the post-offer paid-up equity share capital.
The face value of equity shares is Rs.10 each. The price band and minimum bid lot will be decided by the company. |