Initial public issue of up to 89,00,000 equity shares of face value of Rs.10/- each of Ken Enterprises Limited for cash at a issue price of Rs.[*] per equity share (including a premium of Rs.[*] per equity share) ("issue price") aggregating up to Rs.[*] crores comprising of fresh offer of up to 62,00,000 equity shares aggregating to Rs.[*] crores ("fresh issue") and an offer for sale of upto 27,00,000 equity shares by Mr. Nikunj Hariprasad
Bagdyia and Mrs Bina Hariprasad Bagdiya ("selling shareholders") aggregating to Rs.[*] crores ("offer for sale") ("the issue") and upto [*] equity Rs.[*] crores will be reserved for subscription by market maker ("market maker reservation portion"). The offer less the market maker reservation
portion i.e. offer of up to [*] equity shares of face value of Rs.10/- each at an offer price of Rs.[*] per equity share aggregating to Rs.[*] crores ("net offer"). The issue and the net issue will constitute [*]% and [*]% of the post-issue paid-up equity share capital of the company.
The face value of the equity shares is Rs.10/- each and the issue price is [*] times of the face value. |